Posters for events are the first piece of the experience that they advertise. They must draw intrigue while communicating what they represent instantly. They control the attitude and expectation of guests before their arrival. Although they are now often transmitted digitally, they still remain a part of our physical landscape-across bulletin boards and telephone polls in every city in the world.
Made to accentuate Eyes Front’s hyper aggressive, dark and menacing aesthetic. I drew influence from the same aesthetic of the late-nineties metalcore culture these bands base their music on.
Drawn on paper with an ink brush and then imported to Illustrator and colorized digitally. The promoter who commissioned this asked me to make something “gory and violent, but in a fun way, not in an upsetting way.”
One of the most unique and stylish bands actively touring in the 2000s, I wanted to channel The Body’s immense, crushing sonic power for this flyer. Inspired by the band’s frequent use of Swiss-Typographic style as well as their obsessive fascination with outer space.